Saturday, December 8, 2007

T Minus One Week

We're under a week until the Yankee Swap, so it's time to start shifting to focus to gifts you can get quickly and without a lot of thought. We'll keep going right up until we get to the gifts that you can buy on your way over. First of all, I'll go with what was one of the most popular gifts from a year ago: The Dunkin' Donuts Gift Card. Sure, you're not gonna wow anyone, but it's a safe bet to give and a safe bet to get. The only problem with the gift card is that you really have to spend the full $20 or else you look like a cheapskate. ("Hmm, should I keep the $15 Dunkin' Donuts gift card or trade for the $20 Dunkin' Donuts gift card?") Of course, you could always just put in one with an unmarked amount and woe be to the person who walks into get their coffee on Monday morning and find only $2.50 on the card.

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