1) Numbers will be drawn at random. Every person that puts a wrapped gift under the tree gets a single number (#).
2) The person with number 1 (one) selects a wrapped gift first and unwraps said gift.
3) The person with the next number has two (2) options. They may either
a. Select a wrapped gift and unwrap said gift or:
b. Elect to "steal" an unwrapped gift from anyone who has already unwrapped a gift.
In the event your unwrapped gift is "stolen" through the implication of rule 3b (threebee), you must select a new, unwrapped gift from under the tree to unwrap.
4) The person with the next number now has the two (2) options outlined in rule 3 (three).
5) After the last person in the swap has selected made their choice (outlined in rule three [3]) the person with number one (1) has the option to force a trade of their gift with any other participant's gift.
6) All decisions of the residents of 56 Perry St. (Xanadu) are final, binding and generally not to be fucked with.